Meet CA5 (pronounced like "Cass"), my stream-bot! It has several functionalities:
Basic Commands
- !help - Put a link in chat to this page!
- !hello - Say hi to CA5!
- !petcas - Pet the robo!
- !beep - boop!
- !boop - beep!
- !lurk - Start lurking!
- !pronouns - What are CA5's pronouns? What are digi's pronouns?
- !adios - Adios, Shadow the Hedgehog...
- !discord - Get the link to my discord!
- !fedi - Get the link to my fediverse (a.k.a. Mastodon) profile!
- !bsky - Get the link to my bluesky profile!
- !website - Get the link to my website!
Fun Stuff
- !bingo - Increment the death counter.
- !roll <n> - Roll an n-sided die.
- !decide <A>, <B>, ... - Decide between two or more options. Separate options with commas.
In PopBot, your goal is to pop bubbles! Be careful, though - don't pop the bubbles with robots in them! Bubbles are named by their row and column - for example, the top-left bubble is "A1," the one to the right of it is "A2," and the one below A1 is "B1!"
- !pop <bubble> - Pop a bubble! To pop the top-left bubble, type !pop A1.
- !flag <bubble> - Put a flag on a bubble! Flagged bubbles can't be popped until they're unflagged, so if you're sure a bubble has a bot in it, be sure to flag it!
- !unflag <bubble> - Remove a flag from a bubble! This lets you pop it again. If you flag a bubble by mistake, use this command to unflag it!
- !popreset - Once the game is over, use this command to start a new one!